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Welcome to the website of the association of the Vrienden v.d. St. Jozef Chapel Rimburg.

Through this site we would like to inform all those interested about association activities and to honour the memory of the ancient warriors and the rich history of the Chapel.

In 1940 there were 20 men from the village of Rimburg as conscripts in the Dutch army and one in the Belgian army. They all survived the war days of 1940. In 1945 they founded the ‘Vereniging Oudstrijders 1940-1945 Rimburg’. They all survived the war days of 1940. In 1945 they founded the ‘Vereniging Oudstrijders 1940-1945 Rimburg’.

In gratitude for their safe return from the war, they built the Saint Joseph Chapel themselves between 1950 and 1952.

From 1953, the municipality of Ubach over Worms commemorates the death on 4 May.
The care of the chapel and the organisation of the commemoration of the dead remained in the hands of these veterans until 1989. After that they handed it over to their children.
The ‘Vereniging Vrienden van de Sint Jozefkapel Rimburg’ was founded on 8 March 1990.

Remembrance Day May 2020

The maintenance of the chapel, the memorial column and its park-like surroundings is in the hands of the Association of the Friends of the Saint Joseph Chapel.

The association organises an annual light procession. Attention is also paid to the commemoration of the dead on May 4 and the liberation on May 5.

On the first Sunday after May 5, a holy mass is also held in memory of the old warriors.


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