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In 1940 there were 20 men from the village of Rimburg as conscripts in the Dutch army and one in the Belgian army. They all survived the war days of 1940. I They all survived the war days of 1940. n 1945 they founded the ‘Vereniging Oudstrijders 1940-1945 Rimburg’.
In gratitude for their safe return from the war, they built the Saint Joseph Chapel themselves between 1950 and 1952.
De Chapel has been desigend by Horst Buschouw. De heer Dortans stelde de grond ter beschikking. Many have contributed to build the chapel. Thus P. Reulings laid the road to it and Mr. Knipper made the wrought iron gate in the forge of the mine Oranje Nassau I in Heerlen. Other wrought iron work came from the Julia mine, while the Laura and the municipality provided the material for the construction.
On a natural stone altar is a statue of Saint Joseph with Child made by Jean Weerts. Behind the text: St.Jozef protect us. The brick interior is painted white.
From 1953, the municipality of Ubach over Worms commemorates the death on 4 May.
The care of the chapel and the organisation of the commemoration of the dead remained in the hands of these veterans until 1989. After that they handed it over to their children.
The ‘Vereniging Vrienden van de Sint Jozefkapel Rimburg’ was founded on 8 March 1990.
Because over the years the chapel was increasingly regarded as a war memorial, the friends decided in 1995 to place a memorial at the chapel on which all names of all war victims from the municipality of Ubach about Worms are listed (Jews, Dutch soldiers, resistance fighters, civilians German conscript soldiers).
This memorial was completed in 1999 with financial support from the residents, the municipality and some private financiers.
On May 4, 2007, the plaque of Hell on Wheels was unveiled.
The maintenance of the chapel, the memorial column and its park-like environment is in the hands of the Friends of the Chapel.